Thursday 18 July 2024

Awesome Train Hard Quotes

Train Hard Quotes 

Awesome Train Hard Quotes

There are no shortcuts.
Only hard work.
Train hard and be patient.
It will pay off.


If you train hard.

Train Hard Quotes 

Excellent Train Hard Quotes
Excellent Train Hard Quotes

If you train hard,
you'll not only be hard,
you'll be hard to beat.
- Herschel Walker


Just Work Harder.

Train Hard Quotes 

Own Train Hard Quotes
Own Train Hard Quotes

Do not complain.
Just work harder.
- Randy Pausch Quotes


Perfect Train Hard Quotes

Train Hard Quotes 

Perfect Train Hard Quotes
Perfect Train Hard Quotes


If you still look cute
at the end of your workout.
You did not train hard enough.

Push Yourself to do more.

Train Hard Quotes 

Awesome Train Hard Quotes
Awesome Train Hard Quotes 

Push yourself to do more.
Do not accept a life of average.
Work hard, train hard and the best
that you can be.