Sunday 30 June 2024

The power of the excellent mind

Mind Quotes 

The power of the excellent mind
The power of the mind







Powerful World Quotes About Making Positive Difference

Powerful World Quotes About Making Positive Difference
Powerful World Quotes About
Making Positive Difference










Saturday 29 June 2024







Excellent quotes for improving yourself.

Improving Yourself Quotes

Improving Yourself Quotes
Excellent quotes for improving yourself.

Life is about balance. Be kind,
but do not let people abuse you.
Trust, but do not be deceived. Be content,
but never stop improving yourself.


Never stop improving yourself.

Mind Quotes 

Never stop improving yourself.
Never stop improving yourself.

 Life is about balance.

be kind, but do not let people abuse you.
Trust, but do not be deceived. Be content,
but never stop improving yourself.

Peace over drama and distance over disrespect

Mind Quotes 

Peace over drama and distance over disrespect
Peace over drama and distance over disrespect


Excellent Buddha Quotes

Mind And Life Quotes 

Excellent Buddha Quotes
Excellent Buddha Quotes

What we think, we become.
- Buddha Quotes

Peace Quotes From Buddha

Excellent Buddha Quotes

Peace Quotes From Buddha
Peace Quotes From Buddha

 Peace comes from within.
Do not seek it without.
- Excellent Buddha Quotes

The Mind Is Everything Quotes

Excellent Mind Quotes 

The Mind Is Everything Quotes
The Mind Is Everything Quotes


The Mind is everything 
What you think
 you Become
- Excellent Buddha Quotes

Buddha Quotes For Life

Mind Quotes 

Excellent Buddha Quotes
Excellent Buddha Quotes

 What we think,
we become.
 - Excellent Buddha Quotes

Control Your Mind

Mind Quotes 

Control Your Mind Quotes
Control Your Mind Quotes

 One of the hardest thing is
 to control your mind.

Train your mind well

Mind Quotes 

Train your mind
Train your mind

 Your strongest muscle and 
worst enemy is your mind.
Train it well.

Mind quotes for peace in life

Mind Quotes 

Peace Quotes For Life
Peace Quotes For Life

 Peace is not the most highest goal in life.
It is the most fundamental requirement.

Peace is the core of existence.

Mind Quotes 

Mind Quotes
Mind Quotes For Peace

Peace is the core of existence.
We cannot create it.
If hyper-intervention is avoided,
Peace shall prevail.

Quotes for your body and mind

Mind Quotes 

Quotes for your body and mind
Excellent Mind Quotes

Your body and mind will work
best and find fullest expression
only when you are joyful and peaceful.

Your mind is a powerful thing.

Mind Quotes 

Your mind is a  powerful thing.
Positive Thoughts For Mind Quotes


Your mind is a powerful thing.
When you fill it with positive thoughts,
your life will start to change.

Exccellent Mind Quotes For Life

Mind Quotes 

Exccellent Mind Quotes For Life
Exccellent Mind Quotes For Life

Conflict in the world is an outer
manifestation of the human mind.
In bringing a sense of ease to human mind,
we shall know the power of peace.